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The Ultimate Guide to eBay
Go to your preferred search engine and search eBay. Every country has an eBay site tailored to suit it. When searching, go specifically to your country’s site. The U.S eBay site is Visit the seller information pages. That is where you will find their selling policies, thoroughly discussed. Play around with the search features on eBay.
Check out some of the listings. Just seeing other sellers’ listings and understanding the search function will help when you decide to make your listings. Go to the “Sort” menu and change the options to see how the search results will change.
Take note of the listings that come up at the top and those that seem to get multiple bids. Usually, eBay gives you a name. However, if you pick an attractive name for yourself, your chances of selling may increase. Your name should not be offensive in any way and it should not devalue what you are selling. According to eBay username policies:
- eBay usernames should not have less than two characters. Symbols cannot be part of a username; this includes the hyphen, apostrophe and the ‘at’ sign.
- The username can neither be an email address or the name of a website. You cannot have the word “eBay” anywhere in your username. It should also not begin with “e” followed by numbers. This policy is to prevent users from posing as eBay employees and…